
201 – Darren’s Dash

Welcome to another Darren’s Dash, where we hand over the lead to reviewer Darren to give us his pick of the movies you may well have missed. And from this month there is a bonus, Darren will be providing a round up – a hyper dash if you like – of TV shows and streaming […]


200: I’ll Avenge you, Father!

The team are back and what a surprise, some of the reviews are very contentious. Like the berserkers in The Northman, some members of the team really go to town attacking certain films, while other, more courageous reviewers defend them. Let’s identify the warriors (or film watchers as others call them). Jeff goes full hatchet, […]


199: Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

Welcome back after a warp factor break, to the continuing adventures of the At The Flicks team as they talk Star Trek movies.


198: Carry on Streaming – EASTER

Have you been wondering where Declan has been since our Christmas Carry On Streaming?


197: Darren’s Dash

After a few months break, Darren’s Dash returns. And what a return.


196: Fuzz Aldrin

It’s a big welcome back for the At The Flicks review show! For the first of our 2022 review shows we discuss films from four masters of the craft, Paul Thomas Anderson, Kenneth Branagh, Guillermo Del Toro and Roland Emmerich. All of them famed in their particular fields.


195: The Blue Flash

Welcome to the latest show from the At The Flicks team. In this episode we speak to young filmmaker Archie Shiels.


194: The 2022 Year Start Show.

Yes, we know a couple of months have gone by since the start of 2022 (although given recent world events it seems longer). However, after months of arguing, the At The Flicks team are now ready to unveil their latest creation on the world.


193: Stroud Film Festival 2022

The Stroud Film Festival returns for 2022 with some exciting films and live events. To get the lowdown on what is happening this year, we spoke to Co. Director of the Festival, Andy Freedman.


192: The Missing Tapes

Up until now, probably the biggest scandal around lost tapes involved the BBC and the Beatles recordings they misplaced. That scandal has now been surpassed as we reveal to you the even more shocking story of the At The Flicks lost tapes.