
239: Year End – Part 1

Welcome to the 2023 year end show.   2023 I hear you say, we’ve almost reached Spring 2024! And that is true.  However, the At The Flicks team are like a vintage wine.  We reflect on our recordings and take time with the editing – our aim is to give you the best listening experience we can create.


238: Disco

Once again, your At The Flicks team bravely go where no other podcasters dare to follow.  For this mission we take on that mightiest of topics – the history of the DISCO MOVIE! 


237: Dazz’s Video Emporium

Welcome back dear customers, it’s time to reopen Darren’s virtual video store. If you put on the special headset we have provided, you can marvel at the 1980’s decadence of sticky carpets, dodgy cardboard displays and video tapes that have not been rewound (and we as employees – at 1980’s pay rates – hate that). 


236: Carry on Christmas

In times past, the various members of the At The Flicks team would wait with excited breath for the Christmas Radio Times double issue. Not anymore.  Now we have a Declan.  He tells us what we must watch and should avoid.  Yes, Carry On Christmas Streaming is back for 2023, so that Dec can tell you, our […]


2023 Christmas Advent Calendar

The At The Flicks hugely popular advent calendar returns with some new additions for 2023. Over the 24 days of December leading up to Christmas Eve, the At the Flicks team will publish a short Podcast every day containing a Christmas movie recommendation. Some of these movies you will have seen and some you may […]


235: Halloween with Hammer

And so to our third show for this year’s Halloween specials. No tricks, this all treats.  The At The Flicks team talk to Paul Scott about his love for Hammer films and his friendship with main Hammer scriptwriter Anthony Hinds.


234: Jo Durrant’s Vampiric Universe

I bid you Velcome to the second of this year’s At The Flicks Halloween specials. That rather odd introduction, with its mid European intonation, does contain a big clue as to the subject of this fearful show.  Vampires.  


233: Carry on Halloween Special

Halloween is fast approaching and as usual, your At The Flicks team have a few treats for you.


232: Black Dog Way

Welcome to an At The Flicks show that is different to anything we have done before. For this show Jeff and Graham interview a director and a star in front of a live audience.  Not something we have ever done before.  However, the topic we moderated was for a worthy cause.  It was for an upcoming documentary feature […]


231: Part 2 – I think it’s a Banksy

Welcome back to At The Flicks In yesterday’s show (episode 231) we set out the rules for our new review show (a bit like Fight Club, with the main difference being we encourage you to talk about it). If you followed that layout, then you know that this episode features our three remaining reviews.