
068: Carry on Christmas Streaming

Christmas is coming and like every family, the ‘At The Flicks’ team will be settled in ‘Silent Night’ fashion in front of the TV. Well, it is better than talking to one another. Anyway, by that time we would have fallen out, Jeff will no doubt be complaining about who ate the last roast potato, […]


067: Director on Director: Tim Burton

Welcome to another podcast in our occasional series – Director on Director. Writer / Director Phil Stubbs (Last Chancers) joins us again, to talk about another of his favourite directors, Tim Burton.


066: Foreign Language Films: Our Picks

Podcast regular Darren, joins the At the Flicks team to discuss our favourite foreign language films.  Jeff’s language skill are found lacking, as he tries to introduce each film in it’s native tongue! For this Podcast we each select two films (8 in total) that are personal favourites of ours. By the end of the […]


065: Female Superheroes

In this show, we chat to fellow Podcaster Em from Verbal Diorama about female superheroes. We discuss the portrayal of female heroes in movies past, present and future. Em in her signature chatty style, regales the team with her views of the TV series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She even has some positive thoughts on […]


064: Wolfman to Dr No

Welcome to our mid month show, which is as usual packed with a variety of goodies for you. We chat to Jardiel the creator of the film distribution company Pulp Cereal, which deals in films and TV with pulp fiction roots. Learn – as we did – about such classic serials as Flash Gordon, The […]


063: 24 Films in 10 Days

We have a very special double bill for you in this episode. First up, we speak to Emma who attended the London Film Festival for the first time this year. Emma tells us the highlights she saw there. If you are anything like us, your ‘what-to-watch’ list is about to explode, as you add some […]


062: Send in the Clowns

Our October end of month review show has arrived slightly late. Sorry about that, the Halloween party with its 24 hour movie marathon had more of an impact on the delicate sensibilities of the At The Flicks team than we thought! 


061: Actors of the Previous Generation

You asked for it – you now have it! There was much debate with our listeners over show 52, “Actors Of Our Generation”. Some of our choices were questioned – “Why don’t you like Ryan Gosling?”, “Surely, Matt Damon should be on the list?” and, perhaps most telling of all, “Where is Rebel Wilson?” Now […]


060: Wine Lucy and Composers

On this show, Jeff admits he’s wrong! It doesn’t happen often (well, never) so listen out for it. We have an interview with young South African film composer Daniel Gadd. Make a note of that name, he is a talent to watch. Daniel talks about his musical roles on some very big British films and […]


059: Apocalypse Now: Final Cut

“I love the smell of a podcast in the morning, it smells like victory”! With those words ringing in your head, it’s time to go back into the jungle.