
150: Awards Show – 2020

Welcome to our push-me, pull-you show. The one where we have our final push back at 2020, as it disappears in the rear view mirror, and our pull forward to what is coming in 2021.


149: Rustlers’ Roundup – The Outlaw Josey Wales

Howdy partners, it’s been a while since we last met up on our Western trail. Why not saddle up again and join Jeff The Kid, Itchy Trigger Finger Graham and Snake Eyes Neil? We are going to ride along and jaw about The Outlaw Josey Wales.


148: Andy on Westerns

One of the highlights of our 2020 Halloween season was our chat with American contributor Andy about his love of horror films (episode 107).


147: Christopher Nolan Retrospective

Welcome to the world of Christopher Nolan. Or it could be goodbye, depending on how the great man has decided to play with time and space this time.


146: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Welcome to the continuing adventures of the At The Flicks team as they talk Star Trek movies. 


145: The Future of Cinema

What is the future of cinema in the post Covid world? This is a question the At The Flicks team are going to be asking throughout 2021. In fact we think it is so important a topic we have made it the subject of our first show of the year.


144: Year End Show

That’s the end of 2020. Thankfully. Join the At The Flicks review team as we look back at the wreckage of the year to see if anything movie wise was worth salvaging.


143: Carry on Christmas Streaming

Christmas is almost upon us and like every family, the ‘At The Flicks’ team will be in our bubble in front of the TV. There will of course be the usual arguments – Jeff will no doubt be demanding the TV remote, Neil will refuse to hand it over and Graham will be quietly getting […]


Advent Calendar

Welcome to our Christmas Movie Advent Calendar. 2020 has been a very difficult year, to say the least. So, to redress the balance, we thought we would try and bring some levity to the Christmas season by going all out to stretch ourselves with 24 individually crafted podcasts containing Christmas Movie recommendations.


118: Advent Calendar Promo

A very special announcement from At The Flicks for the Christmas season.