Welcome to the At The Flicks archive. This one is a real blast from the past!
Recently Graham was rummaging around in the At The Flicks vault and fell over some old recording cans that had been left on the floor. Luckily Graham had been drinking that day, or he might have swerved passed them by and this show would still be sitting there! After swearing and moaning about his now sore leg, Graham checked the cans and realised it was an unreleased edition of our very popular Rediscovering the classic with Elijah series. It is our discussion about the classic historical epic El Cid (1961).
Apart from Jeff and Graham, the team for this episode comprised, of course Elijah, and a voice we miss on the show. Neil.
For those of you not familiar with the film, it stars Charlton Heston and Sophia Loren and is a bio pic about legendary Spanish hero Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar (aka El Cid), a knight who lived in the 11th Century. Normally it is Elijah who is discovering the film for the first time. Not here, this time it’s Jeff and Graham who are seeing it with fresh eyes for the first time (although both have seen it before – don’t worry it’s all explained in the show).
Other things discussed in this podcast:
- Why the main stars didn’t like each other
- What film director Anthony Mann got fired from just before this (and also Jeff initially getting his facts wrong)
- Miklos Rozsa’s score and the use of trumpets
- Herbert Lom not being politically correct
- Correlation to Dune
It’s fascinating to hear the old team back together again. Who knows, there may be more life in rediscovering the classics to come.
Until then bye for now and see you At The Flicks.
Video Clips
El Cid Trailer
El Cid Scene
El Cid Soundtrack
Charlton Heston Interview
Film List
Below is a list of all the films and TV Shows referenced in this Podcast.
- Ben Hur
- Daughters Of The Cid
- Dune
- El Cid
- Game Of Thrones (TV)
- Gladiator
- Spartacus
- Stagecoach
- The Lion In Winter
Any clips used in this podcast and associated show-notes are taken from YouTube trailers or posted clips. Copyright remains with the original owners. As this podcast involves review, criticism and observation on the copyrighted materials, the clips are used under a ‘Fair Use’ policy. If copyright owners object to such use, please email [email protected] and they will be removed.