
249: Longlegs

The hot horror movie ticket this Summer has been Longlegs, a film directed by Osgood Perkins (son of Anthony), which stars Maika Munroe and Nicolas Cage.  

At the Flicks · 249: Longlegs

For those of you who haven’t seen it, it’s a serial killer movie (which becomes something much darker as it progresses), set in the early 1990s.  Ah, I hear you say, doesn’t that sound like the Oscar winning Silence Of The Lambs? Indeed, there are some similarities.

To investigate this connection further and of course review the movie, we sent in our intrepid FBI team.  There’s agent Jeff, the cynical one whose seen it all before, then there’s agent Phil, certainly our Fox Mulder and finally there’s agent “let’s hide under the bed as it’s too scary”, or as we know him, Graham.  Yes, Graham had decided even though this is a pop-up review show, there is no way he was going to pop up from behind the sofa to watch this! 

That left Phil and Jeff, who you will not be surprised to learn had very different opinions on this one (do they ever agree?).  Their mission, apart from discussing the movie, was also to persuade Graham to check it out.  Get out from behind that furniture and press play! 

As for what Phil and Jeff thought, Phil, who loves many modern horror films, loved its bold take on storytelling and scares.  Jeff, who mainly can leave modern horror films, hated it.  I believe his words were “all marketing and no content”.

Check out our review show for two very different takes on what has proved to be a box office smash, although there was one surprising moment when they both praised an aspect of Longlegs.  There was only that one brief moment of agreement

After all that, do you think Phil managed to talk Graham into watching Longlegs?  Check out the show to find out, but don’t be too surprised by the answer! 

Until the next pop-up review, coming sooner than you think.

Bye for now and see you At The Flicks

Phil’s review of Longlegs



Nicholas Cage Interview 

Film List

Below is a list of all the films and TV Shows referenced in this Podcast.

  • Longlegs
  • Challengers
  • The Silence Of The Lambs 
  • It Follows
  • The Guest
  • Watcher
  • Censor 
  • Psycho
  • The Exorcist
  • God Told Me To
  • Mad Max Furiosa
  • Maxxine
  • Pearl


Any clips used in this podcast and associated show-notes are taken from YouTube trailers or posted clips. Copyright remains with the original owners. As this podcast involves review, criticism and observation on the copyrighted materials, the clips are used under a ‘Fair Use’ policy. If copyright owners object to such use, please email and they will be removed.