Welcome to the At The Flicks Halloween bash. Darren has found this spooky mansion for us to hold it in and done all the decorating himself. There are lots of rooms and plenty of people here. However I have already seen some guests that are more see through than Neil’s film reviews!
Darren has done the place up well, perfect for a Halloween party.
There are 10 rooms where ten fun, spooky movies will be playing. Darren says they all have one thing in common – they are designed to give pleasant scares, so no Exorcist included. Unless of course we decide to Exorcise Graham or Jeff (although I believe any demons left the latter many years ago, they found that mind too dark even for them). If you don’t fancy a movie, then there are five rooms showing some of the best of horror TV. Choice episodes from such classic series as X-Files and Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Oh and if you are really brave, why not try the unforgettable BBC show Ghostwatch. Even the Beeb only showed this one once.
Not for you?
Then there is always the party. All the music has been hand picked by Darren and there are some classics in the mix. Be careful with the punch though, Neil was seen pouring a little something extra into it earlier!
If you can’t make the party, then, wherever you are, have a safe and happy Halloween.
Be ghoul or be careful.

Film List
Below is a list of all the films and TV Shows referenced in this Podcast.
- 10 Cloverfield Lane
- America The Motion Picture
- An American Werewolf In London
- Army Of The Dead
- Buffy The Vampire Slayer (TV)
- Cloverfield
- Ghostwatch (TV)
- Kentucky Fried Chicken
- Lethal Weapon
- Monster Squad
- Night Of The Creeps
- Night Of The Living Dead
- Paranormal Activity
- Paranormal Activity Part 2
- Phantom Of The Paradise
- Return Of The Living Dead
- Return Of The Living Dead Part III
- Schlock
- Slumber Party Massacre
- Tales Of The Unexpected (TV)
- The Babadook
- The Cloverfield Paradox
- The Exorcist
- The Lost Boys
- The Omen
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show
- The Simpsons (TV)
- The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
- The X-Files (TV)
- Twilight
- Van Helsing