
110: Visions of King: Carrie

Before Covid 19 (if you can remember that far back), Lucy and Jeff discussed aspects of Stephen King’s work in general terms.

That resulted in much positive feedback from our listeners. It proved so popular that it lead to the At The Flicks team having a socially distanced planning session to discuss how we could take the idea further. Jeff, always fanciful with his ideas, suggested inviting Stephen King onto the show. An idea so outlandish and expensive, it caused Graham to almost choke on his beer. Ultimately it was Neil who brought it back down to earth, when, after his fifth or sixth pint said “I know, let’s do a series where we devote each episode to a top King movie or TV show”.

At the Flicks · 110: Visions of King: Carrie

Graham and Jeff looked on in amazement and asked Neil to repeat that idea. It was too late by then, as Neil had fallen asleep.

But the idea stayed.

And so, our new series begins. Over the next few days we shall be talking Stephen King movies and TV mini series as our journey begins. To start, we are proud to present Carrie to you. Stephen King’s first novel and coincidentally, the first film based on his work.

To discuss Brian De Palma’s excellent movie, we have put the band back together. Lucy joins Graham, Neil and Jeff. The result – what a show! We go in-depth on the making of the film, the differences to the book, its meaning and the characters. Along the way you will find out:

  • Why Pretty In Pink reminded the team of Carrie
  • How the casting took place alongside that of Star Wars
  • Which part Brian De Palma originally wanted Sissy Spacek to play
  • What impact did that shocking ending have when the film first released in cinemas

We think our discussion could almost be a film commentary track!!!

One other idea we had with this series was to mix up the voices you hear on each show. We are bringing new people in to give their view on Stephen King over the course of this series, as you will hear in the next upcoming episodes.

So, if you have a favourite Stephen King film or TV series and want to join us to talk about it, please drop us a line at We aren’t recording the next batch until January, so please get in touch, we always love to hear from our listeners.

See you tomorrow to talk Salem’s Lot.


Film List

Below is a list of all the films and TV Shows referenced in this Podcast.

  • 1984
  • A Clockwork Orange
  • Blow Out
  • Bonfire Of The Vanities
  • Carrie
  • Children Of The Corn V : Fields Of Terror
  • Dressed To Kill
  • Duel At Diablo
  • Friday The 13th
  • Halloween (1978)
  • Misery
  • Obsession
  • Phantom Of The Paradise
  • Pretty In Pink
  • Scarface
  • Sisters
  • Sixteen Candles
  • Taxi Driver
  • The Breakfast Club
  • The Hustler
  • The Outlaw Josey Wales
  • The Shining
  • The Untouchables
  • Wise Guys