We start the New Year looking forward to the Movies that we hope will delight us, even though Jeff gets one wrong! Lucy joins us to discuss the trends we hope to see in 2019.
Forget the Oscars, as we introduce our very own Awards Ceremony. We get details on what’s coming up from Cineworld Manager Steve. We review our first three Movies of the year and unanimously agree on which one is our movie of the month. We also have our regular features: Movie News, What else have we been Watching and Jeff’s Quiz! This month a guest joins us for the recording of the show.
This Month’s Show
Graham’s review
- Directed by: M. Night Shyamalan
- Staring: James McAvoy, Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson
Jeff’s review
- Directed by: Jason Reitman
- Staring: Hugh Jackman, Vera Farmiga, J.K. Simmons
Neil’s review
- Directed by: Jon S. Baird
- Staring: John C. Reilly, Steve Coogan, Nina Arianda, Shirley Henderson,
Mentioned in the Podcast
During our interview with Cineworld Manager Steve Wright he mentioned that for Children in Need he had a tattoo of an angry Pudsey Bear on his thigh. Below is the template for the tattoo.

The artist who drew the Pudsey Bear is Laura Camm and you can find more of her work on her Instagram account artbylaurajan.
Phil Stubbs joins us in studio
During our latest recording we were joined by writer/director of Last Chancers Phil Stubbs who share his opinions on our review films and cinema in general.
Neil took this opportunity to snap some photos:

Phil talks movies whilst Graham looks on.

Jeff leading the discussion.
Friends and Thanks
The At the Flicks team would like to thank the following groups, people and friends who make the show possible: At The Flicks, are fans of the excellent Phil the Bear’s film review site, which can be found here. Highly recommended! If you enjoyed our reviews this month then check out Phil’s opinion on The Front Runner, Glass, and Stan & Ollie.
For listeners living in the West Country, we would recommend; The Stroud Film Society. Information about this local group of film aficionados can be found here.
Many thanks to the artist Silent Partner for our Podcast Music. You can find more by the exceptional Silent Partner on the YouTube Audio Library.
Films and TV Shows mentioned in this month’s Podcast
- 2001 : A Space Odyssey
- A Quiet Place
- A Star Is Born
- A Star Is Born (1976)
- After Earth
- Aladdin
- Alita Battle Angel
- All Star Weekend
- All The President’s Men
- Angel Has Fallen
- Antman
- Apollo 18
- Aquaman
- Artemis Fowl
- Attack The Block
- Avengers : Infinity Wars
- Avengers Endgame
- Baby Driver
- Batman Returns
- Beautiful Boy
- Bird Box
- Black Mirror : Bandersnatch
- Bohemian Rhapsody
- Boy Erased
- Brexit The Uncivil War
- Can You Ever Forgive Me
- Captain marvel
- Cats
- City Hall
- Daddy’s Home
- Daddy’s Home 2
- Deadpool 2
- Death Wish
- Dragged Across Concrete
- Dumbo
- Fight Club
- Filth
- First Man
- Flight Club
- Free Fire
- Get Out
- Ghostbusters
- Glass
- Godzilla : King Of The Monsters
- Green Book
- Greyhound
- Guardians Of The Galaxy
- Halloween (2018)
- Hereditary
- High Rise
- How To Train Your Dragon
- How To Train Your Dragon : The Hidden World
- Inside Llewyn Davis
- Instant Family
- Joker
- Journey’s End
- Life Itself
- London Has Fallen
- Loving Vincent
- Man Of Steel
- Mary Queen Of Scots
- Men In Black International
- Mission Impossible 7
- Mission Impossible 8
- Mission Impossible Fallout
- Mission Impossible Rouge Nation
- Mortal Engines
- Mulan
- Murder On The Orient Express
- Naya Legend Of The Golden Dolphins
- Ocean’s 8
- Oliver
- Olympus Has Fallen
- On The Basis Of Sex
- Once Upon A Deadpool
- Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
- Pacific Rim Uprising
- Paranormal Activity
- Paranormal Activity 2
- Peter Rabbit
- Peterloo
- Philomena
- Psycho
- Rebecca
- Return Of The Jedi
- Rocketman
- Roma
- Sex Education
- Shutter Island
- Sicario
- Sicario : Day Of The Soldado
- Smallfoot
- Solo : A Star Wars Story
- Spiderman : Into The Spiderverse
- Split
- Stan & Ollie
- Star Trek Discovery Season 2
- Star Wars
- Star Wars : The Last Jedi
- Star Wars Episode IX
- Superintelligence
- Superman
- Superman Returns
- The Ballad Of Buster Scruggs
- The Candidate
- The Conversation
- The Darkest House
- The Favourite
- The Front Runner
- The Girl On The Train
- The Hangover
- The Hateful Eight
- The Hobbit
- The Ides Of March
- The Incredibles
- The Incredibles II
- The Kid Who Would Be King
- The Killing Joke
- The Last Airbender
- The Lego Movie
- The Lego Movie 2
- The Lion King
- The Miseducation Of Cameron Post
- The Mule
- The Music Box
- The Senator
- The Silence Of The Lambs
- The Sixth Sense
- The Visit
- The West Wing
- The Woman In Black
- The Woman In The Window
- Thor
- Titans
- Top Gun 2
- Toy Story
- Toy Story 4
- Tully
- Unbreakable
- Up In The Air
- Us
- Velvet Buzzsaw
- Vertigo
- Way Out West
- Welcome To Marwen
- Widows
- X Men
- You Were Never Really Here
- Young Offenders