Back in the October episode of our Podcast, Nick Wilkes regaled us with his cinema stories. In this short Nick returns to tell us stories of his time as an actor, playwright and for the festive season, Christmas song composer.
In this Podcast SHORT we are returning to a recoding we made back in September with Nick Wilkes. Nick is the playwright in residence at the Malvern Theatre. We had such a great time interviewing Nick that we ended up with a lot more material than we could ever possibly use in our main show. So we decided to split the interview into two parts. The parts relating to his cinema memories we included in our October podcast and Nicks stories and recollections about his time in the theatre have been collected into this short. We hope you enjoy this second helping of the wit and wisdom of the Malvern Bard as much as we did.
Nick’s Christmas Song.
Nicks Christmas song “Almost A Christmas Song“can be found on iTunes, Amazon and Google Play store.

Thanks to Neil for the photos.