In this SHORT the At the Flicks team travelled to a country pub near Newbury to interview friend of the Pod, Phil Foster, AKA, Phil the Bear, about his retrospective on the career of legendary director Wes Anderson.
Friend of the Pod, Phil Foster, AKA, Phil the Bear, wrote a brilliant article on his Blog at the end of July called “Wes Anderson Retrospective“. This followed his equally detailed feature last year on Ridley Scott.
The Wes Anderson feature promoted so much discussion (and let’s be honest, argument!) within the At the Flicks team, that we just had to interview Phil to get more details. This interview discussed what motivated the retrospective, Phil’s favourite Anderson movies and a lengthy discussion on Andersons style and musings on the recurring troop of actors that appear in his movies.
The entire At the Flicks team drove to the Five Bells Pub in Wickham outside Newbury. Yes, even Neil was with us for this one? We had an excellent afternoon sat in the pub garden, recording, drinking beer and talking about Wes Anderson. Idilic!