
267: El Cid

Welcome to the At The Flicks archive. This one is a real blast from the past!  Recently Graham was rummaging around in the At The Flicks vault and fell over some old recording cans that had been left on the floor.  Luckily Graham had been drinking that day, or he might have swerved passed them by […]


268: Who Knew We Could Be So Wrong?

Welcome to a different At The Flicks. In this show Graham, Jeff and Phil give their predictions for the 2025 Academy Awards.  Hang on I hear you say, that event is now in the past.  Quite correct, and we held back on this so that you can laugh at their floundering or be amazed at how mystic […]


266: Flight Risk

Welcome to an exciting show for Graham.  Yes, it’s the latest from The Mel. Sadly, Mel Gibson is only behind the camera for this one, but that’s enough for Graham.


265: Monster

Welcome to an At The Flicks pop up review show. Listeners will know that the best way to annoy Jeff is to make him watch a subtitled film. And that’s exactly what we do here.


264: Dec’s Cinema Memories

Well, At The Flicks episode 260 certainly made an impression with you guys. Our reflection on the cinemas that moulded Graham and Jeff generated much comment from listeners, and we hope to bring some of those stories to your attention in the future.  One listener who wanted to talk about his cinematic experiences was At The […]


263: Alien Romulus

Welcome to the second of our shows looking at key franchise films from the Summer of 2024.  This episode we go all dark, scaring Graham along the way, as we discuss Alien Romulus. The team of Graham, Jeff and Phil don their spacesuits and boldly go into foreboding places to talk in hushed tones about the […]


262: Deadpool and Wolverine

Welcome to the start of an At The Flicks double bill. Enough time has passed for us to look back sensibly (well as sensible as we can be) at the franchise films that revitalised their brand in the Summer season that was 2024.  


261: Phil Looks Back

The last show in our series looking back at 2024. In this show long time contributor and friend of the Pod Phil discusses the state of cinema in 2024 and his three favourite films of the year.


260: Fifty Years of Cinema

Welcome to one of the most personal At The Flicks podcasts. It was 50 years ago, on 10th January 1975 that I, Jeff, went to a vampire double bill in my home town of Pontypridd that changed my life.  Up to that point I had always had a fascination with cinema and TV (TV in the 60’s […]


259: Tessa – Top Films of 2024

Welcome to the second At The Flicks year end show. For this edition Graham and Jeff are joined by Tessa Williams, a person far more knowledgeable on film than the two of them combined. Tessa is not only a prolific film watcher, she is also contributes to film selections for local festivals. Tessa reveals to […]